The public is invited to attend a free program presented by Bill Kemp of the McLean County Museum of History titled, “Wooden Grain Elevators and Their Legacy: A Case-Study” using JH Hawes Grain Elevator as the focus of Atlanta’s agricultural and architectural history at 2PM on October 23 at Missy’s Sweet Shoppe, 112 SW Arch Street.
Following the program, attendees will tour the JH Hawes grain elevator.
Program attendees are asked to enter the building through the Logan County Welcome Center next door. Light refreshments from Missy’s will be provided. Parking is available on the street, in the US Post Office lot, and at the Atlanta Public Library.
This program is free and open to the public due to Illinois Humanities Activate History microgrant awarded to Atlanta for the September 2022 cycle.
Country Aire Restaurant, located just off Old Route 66 and I-55 will donate 10% of profits the day of the program (October 23) to the Grain Elevator Committee with the mention of “JH Hawes Grain Elevator”.