“Everybody Talks About the Weather, But Nobody Does Anything About It.”
Whether that quote is attributable to Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) or to Charles Dudley Warner (more likely), one thing is for certain – we have been experiencing some rather odd weather. When it’s 72 one day and nearing 0 wind chill the next, it makes it difficult to plan trips down the Mother Road. Still, those nice warm days did make it inviting to jump in the car and take an impromptu trip down the highway. With Spring upon us, I look forward to “dropping the top” and cruising down the road…as long as that weather cooperates, of course.
Now, for me, those trips have been a little out of the question lately, as I finally succumbed to the dreaded Covid, including a “rebound” after I thought I had recovered. But all seems well now, and I can get back to the business of enjoying life and getting my thoughts back on that road.
I did miss out on a few things, including the Travels with Darley event in Joliet, which centered on Route 66 in Illinois. I hope least some of you were able to attend this – if you were, be sure and let us all know how it was. Of course, you can still hop onto our website and view the Samantha Brown’s Places to Love Route 66 in Illinois video – it’s the first item in the News menu – go watch and enjoy. You might even catch a glimpse of our own John Weiss…
Speaking of events to attend, the Chain of Rocks Park in St. Louis will be having its opening celebration on April 14 at 2:00 p.m. I plan on attending and enjoying the festivities, as well as getting a good look at this new development. Pictures I have seen have been impressive, and I hope the Association can enjoy it on a future Motor Tour, with, of course, a crossing of that iconic bridge. I believe both the Illinois and Missouri Associations are excited by this new park – let’s all give Great Rivers Greenway and the others involved a big round of applause for their achievement.
The historic water tower in McLean has been saved, and will remain a monument for McLean and the people that erected this rare style of construction of which fewer and fewer examples remain. At the time of this writing, the contract had not yet been signed, but it allows CORE to take up to two years to complete the painting of the tower, something that should not be an issue. The Association has earmarked funds to assist in the preservation, and we invite others to do so as well. I’m looking forward to seeing the water tower in its new paint!
As far as saving things, there’s news regarding the Gemini Giant in Wilmington. That news is that the auction in March closed with a winning bid of $275,000. That bid was submitted by the Joliet Area Historical Museum, who then donated the Giant to Wilmington. Plans are for the Giant to be placed in the South Island Park in Wilmington next to a Route 66 monument. While many would’ve like to see the Giant remain at the Launching Pad, it’s great that Wilmington will still be home to this icon. I’ll let others consider the pricing…
We’re looking forward to our Motor Tour – join us and join in the fun! Plans are coming together for this annual excursion, but we also are planning on multiple day trips throughout the state. Watch for announcements for both the Motor Tour and the 66 Centennial Series day trips and see what Illinois has to offer! And let us know what you would like to visit. By the way, do you have suggestions for communities along 66, large and small? Let us know at our quarterly meetings or use the contact pages on our website.
Of course, planning for the upcoming centennial celebration continues, both in our state and in the other Route 66 states. As more concrete decisions are made, we’ll keep you informed. Lots of great ideas are being considered.
Looking forward to seeing you all on the Main Street of America!
Dwight M. Cannon, President
Route 66 Association of Illinois
P.S. I remind everyone that we would be excited to see you at our quarterly meetings. Dates and times are posted on the Association’s website calendar.